Charlotte Chocolate Fountains Rentals in Charlotte Chocolate Fountain
Charlotte Chocolate Fountain Rentals in Charlotte Chocolate Fountain
Charlotte Chocolate Fountains

Perhaps the biggest difference between Charlotte Chocolate Fountains and our competitors is the ingredients we combine to make every rental perfect. We feel the following "ingredients" separate us and make us Charlotte's best chocolate fountain rental company:

We use the finest equipment for our rentals, whether it's our chocolate fountains, champagne fountains or other equipment. The first difference you'll notice is the quality and reliability in our chocolate fountains. When compared to other chocolate fountains, our fountains have the nicest finish to complement your surrounding decorations.

Second, Charlotte Chocolate Fountains uses accurate temperature controls which means perfectly tempered chocolate. Unmatched in the industry, you'll know the difference as our chocolate fountains won't burn or scald your chocolate!

You won't find a more dramatic or crowd pleasing fountain than the Charlotte Chocolate Fountains units. Our fountains tower above the competition so your guests will know you've planned the best possible party! Serious party planners know us and our industry best fountains. We recommend SF Pro Series Chocolate Fountains.

Don't settle for anything less than SF Signature Fountain Chocolate. All natural and made with the finest ingredients available, SF Signature Chocolate and Fondues are the most delicious and best flowing on the market. No thinning with oil, no artificial ingredients, just pure delicious chocolate for you and your guests. We offer a variety of SF Signature Chocolate flavors including SF Signature Milk, Dark and White Chocolate along with SF Signature Caramel!

CHocolate Fountains Charlotte Rent

Charlotte Chocolate Fountain staff members have extensive training and knowledge with the operation of chocolate fountains to make sure your events go off seamlessly. Dressed to impress and happy to serve, we work with the finest caterers in the Charlotte area and we always have your goals in mind.

Depending on whether you choose to do your dipping items with or without us, you'll love biting into ripe strawberries, fluffy marshmallows, cool creampuffs or a variety of other tastes to suit your needs. Our dipping item packages include all the accessories including plates and napkins, along with the platters and basic decoration. Charlotte Chocolate Fountain foods are fresh and of the highest quality to complement our chocolate perfectly.

We hope you've seen the combination of all our "ingredients" is what separates us as the favorite chocolate fountain company in Charlotte!

Copyright Sweet Fountains, LLC 2010